Think of Business Like a business!!!

I’ve learnt one of the most important lessons of my life and it might completely change the way I look at my business and at work. Here’s what happened

Yesterday, I was asking a client of mine, who was once my student now a startup founder for whom I was working. I asked him for a pending payment for which the job was done quite long ago,  but it wasn’t delivered. But he refused to pay me saying he needs the demo first and then only he’ll make the payment. I was angry, furious and did what not. Later, I realized, I can’t really mix my personal issues with business and also can’t mix the issues of business in my personal life, it just doesn’t work that way.

So now and on, I’ll be thinking of business as business, not as my personal life

  • If there is a loss, its a loss of business not my personal life
  • If there is an insult, its about business not mine
  • If there’s anything going wrong, its business, not me
  • I’m different than my business, I am whole, complete and perfect

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