Do this Everyday to keep yourself always wealthy

Once again, I’ve hit a hard bottom and it taught me very important lessons. So weather you’re there or not, practice doing below things everyday to quickly come out of it and to never fall in the trap. Do it every single day positively as if its part of your life and you’ll be great because of this

  1. Maintain Cleanliness in your office, and your desk. Clean any kind of clutter that you may see in your office. Clutter means negativity, wash it away
  2. Pay all your bills with whatever money you’ve. Maybe you’ve little money to pay rent and employees but enough to pay for your telephone and internet bill, then do it. Do it positively every single time
  3. Thank God for every single rupee you’ve been given throughout your life and thank him for your current situation, because every single situation is teaching you valuable life lessons
  4. Pay close attention and record every single expense you make with money, take full control of all the accounts you have and write down every single rupee even the bill you paid for having a cup of tea at a tapari
  5. Once you do all above, get silent. Let it take 15 minutes on your clock, feel total silence and experience just being there, for 15 mins at least
  6. Now get on your work, do all that you can do for that day and tell me what happened next in your life

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